Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's been awhile.  Life events have kept me away for two years.  My health is improving.  My first surgery went well, and I am getting ready for the second.  Can't say as much for the critters.  The guinea pigs reached the ends of their very happy lives, as did the hamster.   The coyotes got the cats.  Someone stole the chicken.  However, Luc, my 16-year old cockatiel, is just as spoiled rotten as ever, but he doesn't go outside much. 

We have finally gotten moved into the new-to-us house.  Some things are still in boxes, but the new carpet is down, the paint is on the walls, the pictures are hung, and, most importantly, the computers are hooked up (and the bills paid)!

I have not yet gotten back into the clay work, but I have been doing some really beautiful hand embroidery.  I posted on both my Artfire and Etsy sites yesterday, and would like for y'all to take a look. 

I have put a couple pieces up on a site called Zibbet.  It looks promising-- you might want to check it out:  lots of cool stuff!  It feels good to be getting back into the swing of things. 

Joy and Happiness always,

Monday, June 27, 2011

Welcome Summer!

Greetings y'all. This is a bit past the Solstice but the heartfelt wishes for a grand and glorious season are the same. Things here at casa Summers are moving along. We have tackled the huge job of clearing the attic. So far we have only gotten in one day, one long, hard, productive day. The wet weather and the heat have slowed us down a mite but we are hopeful of getting the job done.

I thought I would get involved with a polyclay group over on yahoo groups. Not a great experience. Perhaps I'm just overly sensitive about censorship. In any case it didn't work. So, I've subscribed to a polyzine and joined another group hopefully with better results.Link
I now have a Flickr account. Lots of pictures there of my work.
I've got several new pieces in the works and a show coming up this weekend. InConJunction is where I got started selling my work at conventions. I think it will go well. I'm only taking a dozen pieces about a half tables worth.

I'm sitting here looking at a new piece and have decided just what it is about my dragon wings i don't like. I've been unhappy with them for awhile but couldn't put my finger on the problem. They are flat. they have impressive veining but no depth. they are the same thickness all over. No dimension to speak of. the rest of the critter is quite nice. So I'm going to start working on designing the wings with a bit more detail and realism.

And now the part you've all been waiting for. The sharing what I've found. There is an artist that carves cameos, from Oreo cookies! They're awesome. And the condiment art is terrific as well. Check it out here:

Thanks for staying with me 'till the end.
Joy and Happiness Always

Friday, May 27, 2011

Dirt Devil-The Exorcist

I just had to share this! Enjoy! Joy and happiness always. ~~Kathy

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day!

Happy May! Blessed Beltane! Welcome Spring!
I'm happy to see no more snow and ice, however, the rain is beginning to wear a little thin, That's okay 'cause soon we can all Linkcomplain about how hot it is.
I just put ten new works up on my artfire site..I also put them in my etsy shop. Somehow I've managed to get 40 pieces on ArtFire but only 36 on etsy..:0/
Another bit of info is that I'm not going to have a table at GenCon this year. They are already full up and have a rather large waiting list. So I'll be looking for a new August venue, at least for this year.
I'd appreciate if y'all pop over to artfire and take a peek at the new goodies.
Thanks for staying with me thus far. I'll have more for you later.
Joy and Happiness always. Kathy

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Just a quick update

Well, friends, eBay was a bust. Ppfftth! There were 23 views on one baby fairy, and that was the most views of any piece. I am saddened and somewhat irritated. What's wrong with these people? LoL Just wanted to take a moment to share. Feedback would be nice, y'all. Comment on these pictures... tell me wonderful things! Thanks for reading. Joy and happiness always! ~~Kathy

Friday, April 1, 2011

April finds me busy as a bee.

I have been sitting here just claying away. I have my "in transition" shelf quite full. Baby fairies (still available on e-Bay BTW), potted baby dragon, resting fairy that is available on FAEBAE and several pieces listed on both etsy and artfire. I have a new piece that I have fallen in love with.There are pictures to follow. All in all I have been a very busy girl.

On the personal front Marty's unemployment has finally hit the wall. It's all used up, kaput, no more, all gone. We thought this was gonna really mess up our getting to Conglomeration in Louisville, KY at the end of the month. (Oh yes, Happy April!) but with some creative accounting I think we're gonna make it. I have a dealer table there and hope to make a bit of change to offset the cost of going in the first place.
If you are in the Louisville area and feel inclined our group is throwing a grand room party and we would love to see you. It's at the Louisville Crowne Plaza Hotel at the Airport. It's always fun and there will be posted signage as to what room #. This is Easter weekend and the party is on Sat. night. Starts around 9:p.m. and goes 'till we throw you out.

Okay now for the new artwork from ME! I found the Love Mug on sale and I put together the floral arrangement and made and added the really cute couple. My thought was that what gal wouldn't melt if she were given this by her sweetheart. Here it is:

Thanks for staying with me until the end. Joy and happiness always. --Kathy

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I've taken the e-Bay plunge

Hello! After giving it much thought I decided to once again sell my wares on e-Bay. Today I put up four new pieces; Three baby fairies and one baby dragon.We'll see how it goes. Things over there have certainly changed.
I also put up some new work on ArtFire and have a couple more to get up there yet. I'm also into convention season so things should be picking up, business wise.
Now for the important stuff. Who sent Indiana all this cold weather?!! I thought spring was here and I was all ready to put the plants out when woosh! away blows our balmy weather and I have to get my coat back out. Enough already. The up side is my wind chimes (I love wind chimes and hope to one day have bass ones) are chiming their little hearts out. We did have to tighten up the hooks a bit so they wouldn't blow away and become someone elses wind chimes.

I have finally talked Charlotte into opening an ArtFire gallery. Now to just see it happen. But isn't a mother supposed to nag every once in a while? that's right. Thanks for agreeing with me.

Here are the links to the e-bay listings or you can do a seller search for barcy.

OOAK baby dragon with blocks:

OOAK Sitting Baby Fairy:

OOAK Sleepy Time For Alexander:

OOAK Baby Fairy Podling:

Thanks for staying to the end.
Joy and Happiness always--KathyLink