Saturday, March 26, 2011

I've taken the e-Bay plunge

Hello! After giving it much thought I decided to once again sell my wares on e-Bay. Today I put up four new pieces; Three baby fairies and one baby dragon.We'll see how it goes. Things over there have certainly changed.
I also put up some new work on ArtFire and have a couple more to get up there yet. I'm also into convention season so things should be picking up, business wise.
Now for the important stuff. Who sent Indiana all this cold weather?!! I thought spring was here and I was all ready to put the plants out when woosh! away blows our balmy weather and I have to get my coat back out. Enough already. The up side is my wind chimes (I love wind chimes and hope to one day have bass ones) are chiming their little hearts out. We did have to tighten up the hooks a bit so they wouldn't blow away and become someone elses wind chimes.

I have finally talked Charlotte into opening an ArtFire gallery. Now to just see it happen. But isn't a mother supposed to nag every once in a while? that's right. Thanks for agreeing with me.

Here are the links to the e-bay listings or you can do a seller search for barcy.

OOAK baby dragon with blocks:

OOAK Sitting Baby Fairy:

OOAK Sleepy Time For Alexander:

OOAK Baby Fairy Podling:

Thanks for staying to the end.
Joy and Happiness always--KathyLink

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