Monday, June 27, 2011

Welcome Summer!

Greetings y'all. This is a bit past the Solstice but the heartfelt wishes for a grand and glorious season are the same. Things here at casa Summers are moving along. We have tackled the huge job of clearing the attic. So far we have only gotten in one day, one long, hard, productive day. The wet weather and the heat have slowed us down a mite but we are hopeful of getting the job done.

I thought I would get involved with a polyclay group over on yahoo groups. Not a great experience. Perhaps I'm just overly sensitive about censorship. In any case it didn't work. So, I've subscribed to a polyzine and joined another group hopefully with better results.Link
I now have a Flickr account. Lots of pictures there of my work.
I've got several new pieces in the works and a show coming up this weekend. InConJunction is where I got started selling my work at conventions. I think it will go well. I'm only taking a dozen pieces about a half tables worth.

I'm sitting here looking at a new piece and have decided just what it is about my dragon wings i don't like. I've been unhappy with them for awhile but couldn't put my finger on the problem. They are flat. they have impressive veining but no depth. they are the same thickness all over. No dimension to speak of. the rest of the critter is quite nice. So I'm going to start working on designing the wings with a bit more detail and realism.

And now the part you've all been waiting for. The sharing what I've found. There is an artist that carves cameos, from Oreo cookies! They're awesome. And the condiment art is terrific as well. Check it out here:

Thanks for staying with me 'till the end.
Joy and Happiness Always

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