Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's been awhile.  Life events have kept me away for two years.  My health is improving.  My first surgery went well, and I am getting ready for the second.  Can't say as much for the critters.  The guinea pigs reached the ends of their very happy lives, as did the hamster.   The coyotes got the cats.  Someone stole the chicken.  However, Luc, my 16-year old cockatiel, is just as spoiled rotten as ever, but he doesn't go outside much. 

We have finally gotten moved into the new-to-us house.  Some things are still in boxes, but the new carpet is down, the paint is on the walls, the pictures are hung, and, most importantly, the computers are hooked up (and the bills paid)!

I have not yet gotten back into the clay work, but I have been doing some really beautiful hand embroidery.  I posted on both my Artfire and Etsy sites yesterday, and would like for y'all to take a look. 

I have put a couple pieces up on a site called Zibbet.  It looks promising-- you might want to check it out:  lots of cool stuff!  It feels good to be getting back into the swing of things. 

Joy and Happiness always,

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